My two cents for kids

 Looking out at your eager faces, I am reminded of the incredible potential that lies within each one of

you. As students, you possess a unique power—the power to shape your own futures and create a

positive impact on the society around you.

I strongly encourage you to cherish the time you have in this school. For example, <maybe add any

fun/mischievous moments you had in school; The mischief I engaged in during my school days taught

me valuable lessons about boundaries, responsibility, and the significance of making thoughtful choices.

Those moments of mischief served as a form of exploration, allowing me to push the limits and discover

where boundaries were set.

So, embrace every opportunity that comes your way, both inside and outside the classroom. Engage in

extracurricular activities, and explore your passions. These experiences will shape you into well-rounded

individuals and help you discover your true passions and talents.

Remember, education is not just about learning and appearing in the exams, getting good scores. It is a

lifelong journey of learning, acquiring knowledge. The world is changing rapidly, and it is crucial that you

keep up with the evolving demands and embrace a growth mindset. Be curious, ask questions, and seek

knowledge beyond the boundaries of textbooks.


*********************************Story from circle round***************************

Alright, I am stating so many things here.

But let me tell you an interesting story about a ringmaster and elephants from a circus company.

A ringmaster uses elephants to conduct circus shows. He has five elephants and keeps them chained

through a single rope held not so tight. As the elephants are huge and strong, they could have broken the

rope and escaped.

One day, a man who visits the circus, asks the ringmaster: why the elephants are not trying to escape

when the rope is not strong enough to hold them.

The ringmaster replied: any guesses?

Alright, I will tell you!

From the very beginning of their lives, these elephants have been taught to believe that they lacked the

strength to break free from the rope that bound them. As a result, they never even attempted to escape.

When the man hears this, he is filled with astonishment and wonder.

This story holds a powerful lesson for all of us: our true limitations and strengths reside within ourselves.

If we wholeheartedly believe in our abilities, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Conversely, if we

doubt ourselves, we will never unlock our full potential.

The future lies in your hands. You have the power to shape your own destiny. Never let self-doubt hold

you back from pursuing your dreams and aspirations.

Maybe add your life example here

Remember, just like those elephants, the ropes that bind us are often nothing more than illusions. With

unwavering belief in yourself, there is no obstacle you cannot overcome and no goal you cannot


So, my dear curious minds, as you embark your journey at school or wherever you are, at times, you

may face challenges and setbacks. But remember, these setbacks are not a reflection of your worth; it is

an opportunity to learn, grow, and become even stronger and more resilient. Believe in yourself, have faith in

your abilities and do not limit yourself like those elephants, and never be afraid to dream big.

**********************Social Media (reference – cnbc,, npr podcast) *****************

Now I want to talk to you about something that has become an integral part of our lives—social media.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat have connected us in ways we

could have never imagined. They allow us to share moments, connect with friends and family, and

explore new ideas.

I grew up in the non-social media era, no smartphone, had less distraction, and spent time playing with

friends and trying sports and games. I agree social media has brought many benefits, but it also comes with

challenges that can have on our lives, especially on growing minds.

One of the most significant effects is the impact it can have on our mental and emotional well-being.

When we spend too much time scrolling through our social media feeds, we may start comparing

ourselves to others. We see their pictures, their achievements, and their seemingly perfect lives, and we

may begin to feel inadequate or less confident about ourselves.

It's essential to remember that what we see on social media is often carefully curated, filtered, and may

not reflect reality. Each one of us is unique and special in our own way, and our worth should not be

defined by the number of likes or followers we have. Be proud of who you are, both online and offline.

Then, it's easy to get caught up in the virtual world and lose track of time. It's important to find a

balance between our online and offline lives. I encourage you to engage in activities that promote

creativity, physical exercise, and face-to-face interactions with friends and family.

Yes, it is well-known that Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook and Meta, has publicly stated that

he limits his children's screen time and encourages them to engage in other activities. This stance

highlights the recognition of the potential impact excessive screen time can have on children's and

development and well-being.

While Mark Zuckerberg spends most of his days on social media, you won’t find him mindlessly scrolling through Instagram Reels. That’s because Zuckerberg thinks social media is best when used to

communicate. On a recent episode of the NPR podcast, the Meta CEO said he thinks platforms like

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be beneficial to users’ well-being — but primarily when they’re

used to connecting with others.

“If you’re just sitting there and consuming stuff, I mean, it’s not necessarily bad, but it generally isn’t

associated with all the positive benefits you get from being actively engaged or building relationships,”

Zuckerberg isn’t the only one discouraging that sort of social media over-consumption. Other tech giant

CEO’s including Apple, Google, Microsoft second this idea.

****************Take education seriously (reference – ************

Given all this interruption in the world, it's important to realize that education plays a significant role in

shaping your future, be it any profession or career you choose in your future. It provides opportunities

for personal growth, expands your knowledge and skills, and opens doors to various paths. Realize that

taking school seriously can lead to better opportunities and more fulfilling life.

I see some nodding heads there; aha!! we all know this but it’s common for students to experience

distractions and be tempted by momentary attractions. I understand it’s an age of exploration and

curiosity, which can lead to losing focus on important aspects of life, including education. However, it's

crucial to recognize that this phase also presents a valuable opportunity to shape one's life and work

towards becoming a better version of oneself.

By staying focused on your studies, you are investing in your own development and acquiring knowledge

and skills that will benefit you in the long run. It's essential to strike a balance between exploration and

maintaining a commitment to education.

While it's natural to be curious and explore different interests, it's important to set priorities and

manage time effectively. Identify your goals and aspirations and remind yourself of the long-term

benefits of education. Cultivate discipline and develop strategies to stay focused and motivated during

your school days.

Additionally, surround yourself with positive influences and a supportive environment that encourages

your growth and success. Seek guidance from mentors, teachers, and family members who can provide

valuable insights and support you in staying on track.

By prioritizing education and making conscious choices to stay focused, you are taking meaningful steps

towards shaping a better future for yourself. Embrace the opportunities for growth, seize the moment,

and strive to become the best version of yourself.

**********************************Conclusion (added a few of my lessons) *****************

In conclusion of my speech, I would like to say, over the coming years as you grow up in the era of digital

world and step into the wider world, you may forget some science facts or theorems, math formulae you

learned here, I forgot as well <with smile and look at the audience for each pause>. What you cannot

forget is that when individuals work together, the whole group is raised up and the impossible become

the possible. Achievement becomes your destiny. Believe in yourself, use your education, and carry the

values and lessons you have learned here in school with you to make a positive impact, not just in your

own lives, but in the lives of others.

Another important thing is - Success in your career; life is no accident, or no luck. You need to work

hard, get right education to get smart and to get lucky.

My last piece of advice is - I highly encourage you to “Reach for the stars”, implies setting high goals and striving for great achievements. Even if you fall short of reaching the literal stars, the journey and effort

put forth can still lead to remarkable accomplishments. I would call “falling among the stars can be a

success” as well.

Thank you, Principal, for providing this opportunity to share my thoughts, I really enjoyed addressing

you all. Students, I wish your journey would be filled with success, happiness, and endless possibilities.


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